The Magic LinkedIn Formula

My e-book, How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile, enumerates 18 “Mistakes to Avoid” as well as 7 “Bonus Tips.” That’s a total of 25 items that I think are important for every LinkedIn user to understand and implement (actually more than 25, since many of the chapters have subpoints as well).dreambank

Nevertheless, on Wednesday I will be giving a presentation at American Family Insurance’s DreamBank on “Top Five LinkedIn Mistakes.” Not 25, but 5.

It’s not easy to choose the top five, but I managed to do it. Not only that, but I even narrowed it down to three general categories. I call this my “Magic LinkedIn Formula” and even if you’re unable to attend my presentation live on Wednesday, you can benefit from the formula.

Success on LinkedIn comes down to what I have dubbed the “3 Ls” (not to be confused with the class of students in their third year of law school):

  1. Locatability
  2. Likeability
  3. ALiveness

1. Locatability

If no one finds you on LinkedIn, there’s not much point in having a profile. Unless you are in a rare situation where you prefer not to appear in LinkedIn searches, easy locatability means you will get in front of the people searching for someone like you. For job seekers and business owners, being found by a target audience is one big key to success.

Increasing your locatability entails two main actions: 1) putting the right keywords in the right places, and 2) growing your network aggressively and appropriately to at least 500 connections. A combination of well-placed keywords and a robust network is a winning LinkedIn strategy.

2. Likeability

Just because someone finds you on LinkedIn doesn’t mean that person will contact you. If your profile is sloppy, incomplete, unfocused, or off target, you will probably be skipped over for someone with a better presentation. If, however, people like what they see, they will be more likely to request a connection or conversation.

Likeability means sounding like a human being and not a robot; listing accomplishments without bragging; having an attractive photo and format; and putting your personality onto the page. The more you distinguish yourself as unique, the more you will encourage valuable interaction.

3. ALiveness

I like to say that having a LinkedIn profile is like having a gym membership. You only get value from it if you do the work! Sitting on your butt will not get you 6-pack abs … or a new client or job through LinkedIn.

Aliveness on LinkedIn includes but is not limited to updating your profile, participating in groups, sharing valuable information, engaging in discussions, and taking relationships off line to the phone or even a coffee shop!

how-to-write-a-killer-linkedin-profileThat’s my Magic LinkedIn Formula: Locatability, Likeability and ALiveness! Are you using it? If you already are doing everything listed above, great—you are a power LinkedIn user. In that case, I recommend that you dive more deeply into How to Write a KILLER LinkedIn Profile for the fine points that will bring your LinkedIn success up even another level.

I’ll have time for Q&A at my DreamBank presentation on Wednesday, and you get to participate too. What burning questions can I answer about my Magic LinkedIn Formula and your LinkedIn profile challenges?




Comments (2)

  1. J. Hollingsworth
    Jun 10, 2014

    Perhaps you could consider another ‘L’. Learnability – researching and incorporating good recommendations [such as ‘How to Write a Killer LinkedIn Profile’].
    Most of us are not blessed as is BB with the intellectual ability to review, update and incorporate changes by LinkedIn to their software, evaluate how best to modify a Profile, and pass those along to subscribers and purchasers.

  2. Jun 10, 2014

    Great idea Mr. Hollingsworth! I’ll think about how to incorporate that one!

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