Harassed on LinkedIn? Take these steps to prevent and stop it now.

Harassed on LinkedIn? Take these steps to prevent and stop it now.

There’s no question that social media, including LinkedIn, can expose you to unwanted attention, whether it be spam messages or actual threats. I’ve received some inappropriate emails myself (thankfully nothing threatening or truly stalker-like). But not everyone is so lucky. I have had many people share with me their fear about posting a photo or […]

How to Publish Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn

How to Publish Long-Form Posts on LinkedIn

On February 19, 2014, LinkedIn began rolling out its new publishing method, long-form posts, to all members. According to LinkedIn’s Official Blog post, The Definitive Professional Publishing Platform: “When a member publishes a [long-form] post on LinkedIn, their original content becomes part of their professional profile, is shared with their trusted network and [can] reach the largest […]