Cover Letter Mistakes: 5 Words and Phrases to Delete from Your Cover Letter
Read this article if you want to stand out by using powerful and creative language in your cover letters, rather than defaulting to the words everyone else uses.
Read this article if you want to stand out by using powerful and creative language in your cover letters, rather than defaulting to the words everyone else uses.
On December 22, 2008, U.S. News & World Report published an article by Alison Green entitled “9 Ways to Ruin a Job Interview.” Ms. Green highlighted 9 interview faux pas, including answering your cell phone during the interview and badmouthing an old boss.
Since one of my areas of expertise is legal interviews, I thought it would be useful to provide 9 ways to ruin a legal job interview.
Good news! The Findings of 2017 Career Jam: Where Experts Forecast the New & the Next, has been released by the Career Thought Leaders Consortium! This report summarizes the findings of brainstorming sessions about the future of job search strategies, which were held on December 1, 2017 in the United States, Canada, Spain, France, Austria, […]
A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a blog about the latest LinkedIn updates in the graphics and media realm, including the new inclusion of GIFs. There have also been many to LinkedIn’s networking tools, including SEO analytics, ease of job referrals, and LinkedIn Group functions (it seems the rumors that Groups were going to […]
Working 9 to 5 When I worked in a “9 to 5” job as a legal services attorney, I used to stop at the gym on my way back from morning court dates. No one really knew at what time I was finished in court, and I always got my work done, staying late if […]
Last year, I appeared in a podcast on Coaching for Leaders, How to Vastly Improve Your LinkedIn Profile. It was a smash hit, viewed by over 25,000 people. I came back for an encore this month and the new podcast, Leverage the Full Power of LinkedIn, was released today. This time I addressed specific LinkedIn […]
The biggest conversation about LinkedIn nowadays seems to be about the perils of Resume Assistant, a child of LinkedIn and Microsoft’s recent marriage. LinkedIn touts Resume Assistant as an integration between LinkedIn and Microsoft Word that will help you accurately reflect who you are and what you’ve done, in a way that is tailored to […]
As you may have read in my blog last week, my book How to Write a STELLAR Executive Resume has now been published by Skyhorse Publishing – in first-time print and newly designed e-book formats! Even with the support of the editors at Skyhorse, revising the book was a huge project, and I’m excited to […]
Every year, I look forward to putting together my Top 10 List of Lists. I get to scroll through the year and remind myself of some of the interesting articles, blogs, and just plain fun stuff that captures my attention as soon as I start reading. Here are some lists you might want to visit […]
I haven’t provided an update on what’s new on LinkedIn for about six months. The time has come! As you may remember, Microsoft purchased LinkedIn in at this time in 2016, and there was much speculation as to the LinkedIn changes that would come. We’re starting to find out! I believe (pure speculation on my […]